Overcome Your Fear and Write a Book

Writing a book is a scary and often daunting experience for some people. For me, as a writer, it’s not. As a writing coach, I help people overcome the first hurdle of getting started. I believe, that if you have the idea to write something, no matter what it is — you should.
Fear is good. Fear stops you from harming yourself or getting into dangerous situations. When it’s a new situation or experience, your brain will alert you with the DANGER, DANGER, WARNING signal.
It’s smart to stop, take a moment and listen to that signal.
Figure out why you’re afraid. What is FEAR telling you?
TOP Reasons People tell me why they FEAR starting to write their book.
➡Not Being Good Enough.
➡Not Knowing How or Where to Start.
➡Not Enough Time.
➡They’ll Get Stuck.
➡Not Sure How to Publish Their Book.
All of these are valid, real reasons to be afraid. But is it enough to stop you? Why are you letting fear stop you?
⚡Because you’re about to dive into an unknown experience.⚡
Here are a few tips I use with my clients to help them get started. These work for ANY type of book — a self-help book, a class guide turned into a book, your memoir, a SCI-FI Romance novel, a picture book, or a poetry anthology. They are all genres in WRITING. If you're a coach or consultant looking to write a book to get you speaking engagements and corporate consulting opportunities - THIS IS FOR YOU TOO.

Get an empty spiral notebook or something where you can lay the pages flat when you open it. And a GOOD pen. A true writer will have a cup full of pens on their desk. Pick a good time of day for you. For me, it’s morning. Set your timer on your phone for ten minutes — and start writing. It doesn’t matter what you write — just let the words flow. It can be anything you want. No judgment. No editing. No reading when you’re done.
If you're writing non-fiction try writing about something you speak to your clients about. Write as if you were one of your clients.
Find your favorite book or the book that’s helped you the most, or one that drew you in. Using the same pad and pen, find a page in the book, and copy it by hand onto the paper. I know it sounds dumb. But really, it teaches your brain how to get the words from your brain to the paper. And DON’T WORRY. You’re not going to copy anyone’s words or style this way. Use different books every day.

If you're a coach or consulting you already know the value YOU bring your clients. You know the value in support and accountability. You can hire a writing coach like me. Had to throw that in there. But, I walk you through all those fears and help you overcome them. I understand what it takes to start and finish a book. I know how to create and develop a book that is RIGHT for you.
The idea you have to write — start with a small chunk. A seed. You don’t have to start at the beginning. Start with something, though. And the day you start, get a pot of soil and put a seed in it. If you don’t have a green thumb — I suggest using marigolds or beans — they are both easy to grow. If you have a green thumb, get something you like. Every day, when you write on your small chunk, water the plant a few drops. Check the seed, and notice what day it sprouts. Watch its growth. Measure it. Note it in your writing.
Start with ten minutes a day. Build your confidence.
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