It's Time to Start Writing a Book

How many times have you said you need to write a book? How many times has someone told you to write a book?
You have good intentions. You’ve got the material all together. You researched. You know your topic inside and out. You live it and breathe it. You start, you stop. Or perhaps you shelve the idea as just an idea that can never happen. You have all sorts of reasons: lack of time, fear of failure, the dreaded imposter syndrome. What about where to start? All of these are reasons why many people never write their books.
These are all real fears. Have you ever wondered why you have these fears and why they stop you from writing your book?
If you’ve read any of my other blogs, read my advice on Medium, follow me on LinkedIn, then these two HIDDEN CAUSES are familiar to you. And only YOU can fix them. I can teach you, I can coach you, I can cheer you on. Reality, though, is all about you making the choice to discover the cause and fix it.

I’m making it easy for you. I am telling you what the problem stems from.
First of all, you lack clarity regarding your message and your target audience.
Second, you don’t know WHY you’re writing. Is it because you feel like you have to? That’s not a good enough reason.
Here are the EASY SOLUTIONS to these TWO VERY BIG and VERY REAL problems.
1) Why are you writing? This can be anything from wanting to leave a legacy to earning more money. There is no wrong answer.
2) Figure out who you are writing to. Who is your target audience? Pick one problem they have and decide on your solution. Keep this simple to ONE thing. You built a business, and you have an elevator pitch ready for networking events. You need a pitch for your book.
This is going to take some deep thought. It’s going to hurt. You’re going to have to shut down everything you believe and BE REAL with yourself. Really be honest and break down the answer to WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? What is the problem? How and why are you going to help them fix it?
Here’s the formula for your SOLUTION:
My book helps [target audience] solve [specific problem] by teaching [unique solution].
Without these two VERY BIG ideas, you will not have the clarity you need to write. Without clarity and a sense of purpose, you’ll have no desire to start that book. If you want to write a book - it's all up to you.
I encourage you to get out pen and paper and draft your pitch. Reflect on how your book can change lives. What can a book do for you?
Want to strategize with a pro? I've got 30 Minute Get Your Book Done Strategy sessions for people just like you. Get your spot here:
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